JOMO(campus) is a first-of-its-kind digital wellness program.

We work alongside you to measurably improve social connectedness and academic focus for your students.

- Laurie Fritsch, MSEd,
Director of Wellness, Virginia Tech

“Digital well-being must be at the forefront of our work with students. Partnering with JOMO helped us fast forward this priority by five years.”

Take FOMO and flip it on its head. That’s JOMO - the Joy of Missing Out.

We’re designing approaches to technology that support people in finding joy in missing out on mindless social media consumption and smartphone distraction so you can make space for what really matters most to you. By re-negotiating our relationship with technology, we can measurably improve mental health, productivity, and academic performance.

Our mission is to help schools create a flourishing campus culture where students are happier, healthier, and more focused -- empowering them to make the impact they were born to make.

The Problem We Face

It is no secret that since the onset of social media and smartphones that digital addiction and mindless consumption are on the rise. In particular, Students are suffering – mentally, emotionally and academically. Isolation due to COVID, remote learning and social media have created the perfect storm.

Through our work with our anchor school, Virginia Tech, we found that 75% of VT students reported having problems or challenges with procrastination, and nearly 70% of students claimed this caused them moderate to high distress

This is not limited to social media or students' personal lives, the way technology is integrated into classrooms, and the use of online learning, has resulted in a 24/7, always-on mindset, that dilutes academic performance and results in poor work/life balance for faculty and students alike.

Percentage of U.S. Undergraduates Diagnosed with a Mental Illness

Credit Jonathan Haidt/Jean Twenge

How we can help

JOMO(campus) partners with you to design and implement a comprehensive digital wellness program for your students. This significant problem requires a detailed and integrated solution and a collaborative approach. We create campaigns, education, activations and products to prioritize student well-being and academic success. We have preferred partnerships with different tools and products that help support your students to greater well-being and academic performance.

Our work is broken into 3 distinct phases as we develop a partnership with you, and begin designing how to bring about change.

Discovery + Kick-Off

We envision the future together, understanding what the relevant metrics of digital well-being currently look like, and what challenges your students and faculty report. This is a robust surveying and envisioning process we’ll guide and execute alongside you.

Digital Well-Being Challenge

To kick-start the program work on campus, we always start with a Challenge Campaign with students. Using proven methodology and recommendations, as well as data from our Discovery phase, we test our assumptions with your unique context and to gather data we can use together. This is a pilot phase to gather wider stakeholder support for Digital Wellness amongst administration and faculty.


After successful pilots and data is gathered, we have the foundation to design and implement an ongoing Digital Wellness program on campus. Our approach is multi-audience and multi-stakeholder. We target successful results in student and faculty well-being, as well as practical outcomes for increasing the reputation and opportunities for your institution as you leverage cutting-edge work in the Digital Wellness space.

How the JOMO Method Works

A brief description describing what JOMO campus is about. This could also include some highlights about Christina Crook’s expertise in developing the JOMO method.

Ready to begin your journey towards a joy-filled, digitally-well campus?

There is an incredible opportunity to shape the habits, mindset, and quality of education for the next generation of students. By partnering together with JOMO(campus), your organization can be on the leading-edge of a more productive and healthy use of technology.


10 Tips for a Digitally-Well Campus

Are you wanting to get started on your campus right away? Download our 10 best recommendations for a more Digitally-Well Campus that you can implement at little to no cost.

As seen in

Get Started Today

We would be honoured to work together to bring Digital Wellness to your students and faculty. Fill out this form to get a copy of 10 Tips for a more Digitally-Well Campus.

Meet the Team

  • Christina Crook


    JOMO Founder,
    Digital Wellness Expert, Author, & Educational Consultant
    Alumna: York University
    & University of Toronto

  • Rijul Arora


    Digital Wellness Educator, EY Meta Team, JOMO(campus) India
    Alumnus: DPS Mathura Road, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani

  • Renée I.A. Mercuri


    Renée Mercuri Enterprise
    Alumna: University of Waterloo, University of King’s College,
    Illinois Institute of Technology

  • Dr. Erik Ellefsen


    Baylor School of Leadership, Senior Fellow, Cardus Education
    Alumnus: Wheaton College, Benedictine University,
    Boston University

  • Jean  Rogers

    Jean Rogers

    Director, Screen Time Action Network
    Alumna: Wheelock College, Rhode Island College

  • Dr. Catherine Sabiston


    Professor, University of Toronto, Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity & Mental Health
    Alumna: Dalhousie University, University of Windsor, The University of British Columbia

  • Kevin McCarthy

    Kevin McCarthy

    Head, Corporations and Institutions at Enriched Academy
    Alumnus: Queen’s University

  • Salimah Ebrahim


    Founder, Artery + Bramble
    Alumna: University of Toronto
    Columbia University, Graduate School of Journalism

  • Dr. Shalini Misra


    Associate Professor, School of Public & International Affairs, Virginia Tech
    Alumna: University of California - Irvine, Technical University of Munich (Germany), Gujarat University (India)

  • Matthew Mizukami

    JOMO Intern
    Vancouver Christian School
    Grade 12 athlete, speed swimming coach; passionate about music, playing various instruments; interest in studying medicine.

  • Eden Heng

    JOMO Intern
    Vancouver Christian School
    Values academics and athletics; enjoys cuddling her dog, practicing as a Taekwondo black belt, or reading and re-reading her favourite books; family time is precious to her whether watching movies or traveling.

  • Katie Lam

    JOMO Intern
    Vancouver Christian School
    Grade 11, her goal during her JOMO internship is finding self-improvement by creating healthy digital boundaries, and to share the program with others students